Affect of Anxiety Emotions on Our Overall Health

In this article, we are going to talk about the five emotional states according to the Five Elements. We will analyze their functions and look at what happens when an imbalance occurs as back pain, or worse, as the origin of degenerating changes within our spine.

In this article,Guest Posting we are going to talk about the five emotional states according to the Five Elements. We will analyze their functions and look at what happens when an imbalance occurs as back pain, or worse, as the origin of degenerating changes within our spine.

According to Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) anxiety originates when there is a state of increased excitement which leads to congestion and is the biological background to the experience of anxiety. Psychoanalysis tells us that each state of panic grows out of the primary trauma of birth. This explains anxiety as a learned reaction in the sense of a classical conditioning. The philosopherMartin Heidegger (1889-1976) adds that the whole range of anxiety reaches from the cradle to the grave.

A new view on the nature of anxiety was confirmed by the experiments done by Schachter &Singer. Drugs increasing activity and drugs lessening activity were administered to subjects. During a period of waiting for the experiment to begin (an experiment which never really took place) the researchers staged accidental incidents on subjects with the aim of bringing them into a either a cheerful or an angry mood.

When we look at an emotional state from the Taoist angle, the typical functional characteristics can be associated with a specific emotional state attributed to one of the five elements or states of change. The result is a better understanding of the impact that an emotional state can have on such a complex system like the human being and how this affects our skeletal muscles as well as our spine.

Everyone experiences anxiety in some form. Anxiety is absolutely necessary for survival, for humans as well as animals. Maybe you think that anxiety is the dark side of a life full of pleasure. Maybe you think that anxiety is a disorder of the mind or an accident of creation which has to be eliminated. However, you have to accept that anxiety is an emotion.

According to Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) anxiety originates when there is a state of increased excitement which leads to congestion and is the biological background to the experience of anxiety. Psychoanalysis tells us that each state of panic grows out of the primary trauma of birth. This explains anxiety as a learned reaction in the sense of a classical conditioning. The philosopherMartin Heidegger (1889-1976) adds that the whole range of anxiety reaches from the cradle to the grave.

A new view on the nature of anxiety was confirmed by the experiments done by Schachter &Singer. Drugs increasing activity and drugs lessening activity were administered to subjects. During a period of waiting for the experiment to begin (an experiment which never really took place) the researchers staged accidental incidents on subjects with the aim of bringing them into a either a cheerful or an angry mood. What they tried to create was an emotional state within the subjects but what actually happened was something else. It turned out that without increased activity produced by pharmaceuticals as a trigger, no emotions were aroused at all. And when this happened the intensity of emotion depended on the level of activity created through medication. This result can be interpreted in the following way: that anxiety like any other emotion is an activity without specific content. This means anxiety is an abstract notion. Besides plain anxiety there is the concept of fear which is an innate reaction to awkward or life threatening situations. Plain anxiety is seen as the peak of psychic abstraction.

Anxiety exists within the deepest layer of our souls as a state of permanent tension which keeps us alert against everything and nothing. This is a basic requirement in order to enable us to survive in an environment of ‘eat or be eaten’. Wherever you go, anxiety will be with you. It will always be with you as it is probably the most important requirement to get anywhere at all. Anxiety makes us cautious, sharpens our senses and improves our intellect. Our physical strengths are constantly on alert because of anxiety and that enables us to react either explosively or to endure seemingly endless situations. All in all anxiety is an essential manifestation of Life Energy.

dangerous situation. But when this condition is permanent or chronic it becomes destructive and will lead to a state of muscular torpor.
The etymological meaning of anxiety is narrowing or tightness. This is easily comprehensible because when we are anxious we become tense and our throats narrow. Chinese Taoists, ancient Egyptians and Native Americans all say anxiety is a specific manifestation of Life energy on an emotional level. To trace the cosmic principle underlying anxiety we need to take a closer look at its main characteristic. What is anxiety doing? It is narrowing and increasing tension. These are typical contracting characteristics. When we apply this idea to our skeletal muscles, we discover that permanent anxiety creates a state of permanent contraction within our muscular system. This is an advantage a long as we benefit from an increased readiness to react to a

How does an emotion become the origin for serious spine problems? A constant state of anxiety is a common source of lower back problems. To tremble with anxiety is similar to trembling with cold. Both the feeling of anxiety and the sensation of cold cause contraction of the skeletal muscles. But there is a difference between feeling cold and anxiety Feeling cold is a very strong and immediate stimulus whereas the physical effects of anxiety are a subtle build up over a longer period time. The result is a loss of flexibility which restricts our ability to move. Restriction of movement, which often goes unrecogrtised for a long time, interrupts the Life energy flow along the spine, resulting in the degeneration of intervertebral discs. This may ultimately cause a prolapsed disc, the origins of which had been hidden in an obvious emotional pattern.

When anxiety begins to build up in the life of a human being for an extended period of time, either on a conscious or a subconscious level, the delicate balance between the emotional and physical body is upset. The imbalance will be expressed by the physical body in some kind of dysfunction which causes pain in the end.

If we explore closely the term anger it has its roots in the meanings of distress and grief. The origins can also be traced in the German language where “enghe” l

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End Your Anxiety Chest Pain For Good

If you suffer anxiety chest pain, the absolute first thing you need to do is stop worrying. Why? Well firstly, because every single one of the symptoms of anxiety are entirely harmless. They may well feel positively horrifying, yet they can’t harm you. This article will introduce you to a world renowned method that will eliminate your anxiety chest pain for good!

Anxiety is nothing more than a malfunctioning of a completely regular bodily process. It’s not a disease or illness,Guest Posting but a behavioural problem which can be effortlessly corrected utilizing a world famous approach that has cured hundreds and thousands of afflicted individuals world wide and it will cure you too. How do I know this? Because this technique is effective on every person, one hundred percent of the time – if you are human, the technique will cure you, both swiftly and permanently – fact! If you comply with this technique you will eradicate the anxiety condition that is producing your symptoms. This means that your anxiety chest pain, in addition to each and every other physical symptoms of anxiety may it be headaches, numbness, vertigo, or any other ugly symptom – will just simply evaporate. The Linden MethodIn the event that you experience anxiety chest pain and have not already heard about the ‘Linden Method’, then quite frankly it makes me pleased to be the one to introduce it to you, for it truly is the key to eradicating your anxiety disorder permanently. This method was developed by Charles Linden, probably the world’s most reputable anxiety professional. His natural anxiety cure has put right tens of thousands of anxiety sufferers and it will cure you. I know this because the Linden Method is effective on everyone 100% of the time. It’s not some fanciful concept – it is basic medical fact. The Linden method will stop anxiety chest pain or any other symptom of anxiety your are experiencing permanently and without the possibilty of a relapse. To comprehend the reason why this technique is so efficient, it helps to know a little bit about what anxiety is and what causes it to grow to be inappropriate.Anxiety Is A HabitAnxiety disorder is a behavioural condition – it is not an illness or disease. It is not even a disorder. It is simply just a habit, manipulated and activated by a small organ in the brain called the ‘amygdala’. Again, this is medical fact. Any expert on anxiety will tell you this.Anxiety serves a very essential purpose in the body, when it is appropriate ie whenever we are confronted with actual real peril, such as if a murderer were to chase after us. Anxiety disorder, on the other hand, is inappropriate anxiety. Anxiety develops into a disorder because the body has essentially become accustomed to being anxious constantly. Because anxiety levels climb, possibly because of stress or life-style conditions, the subconscious mind rewires itself to adjust to this anxious behaviour. The amygdala is then reset to this inappropriate anxiety benchmark because the brain thinks that this anxious routine has become the new norm.This causes the person to feel signs and sensations of anxiety for example anxiety chest pain, in circumstances when he or she should usually feel really at ease. Consciously he or she understands that these feelings are innapropriate, but the subconscious habit has taken hold. Doesn’t that just make so much sense? I hope it does, because again this is not some mad scientist theory, it is simple medical fact.You Must Eliminate The Anxious Habit To Cure Anxiety And Eliminate Anxiety Chest PainNow that you understand anxiety disorder is not an illness, but a habit, it should now make sense when I say that the only means to escape the anxiety trap you are in and to free yourself of anxiety chest pain permanently, is to learn new non-anxious behaviour. By practising non-anxious behaviour, you reverse the anxious habit which has formed and replace it with a new non-anxious habit. This is done by following the principles set out in the Linden Method. Fact – this is the only cure for anxiety and anxiety related conditions, not because I am a smarty pants and I say it is, but because to get rid of your anxiety you have to remove the subconscious habit. There is absolutely no other way. Everyone who has ever recovered from anxiety disorder has done so utilizing the Linden Method in some form or other – the difference is that individuals who did it while being unaware of the Linden Method obviously did it inadvertently, whereas individuals who adopted the Linden Method made a conscious choice to do so. Is The Linden Method Hard to Put Into Action?Frankly, no it isn’t hard. The method is simple to implement and again, it is effective on everybody, one hundred percent of the time. The results are immediate so your anxiety will become to subside immediately on applying the method, although it will probably take between 3 to 8 weeks to completely drive out the anxiety disorder, depending on the individual and the severity of his or her condition.I personally cured myself using this method and Charles Linden has seen it work tens of thousands of times. Fact – this method will stop anxiety chest pain and cure your anxiety disorder. If it doesn’t then you have absolutely nothing to lose because the Linden Centre will gladly refund your money if you are not totally cured using the method. The Linden Method is also guaranteed to cure social anxiety disorder, OCD and phobias.

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